
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So Many Options!

This morning I picked the 7 of Cups for my daily draw, from the Radiant Rider-Waite deck (U.S. Games 2003).  I had to laugh.  This fellow stands in shadow before a brilliant display of options and opportunities..... the hard part...which to choose!  So many glittering possibilities are available for the picking.  Does he finally make a decision?  Or does he decide it's more fun to think about them rather than making any into reality?

I laughed because I've been reading about so many different Tarot decks lately, and my wish list keeps
Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
growing.  You could easily replace the man in the card with my own image, and fill each of the cups with a different style of deck!  I keep trying to decide which I might buy next, but it's just not that easy.  Some days I feel excited about a particular deck, and think I've made up my mind.  Two days later I feel more drawn to something entirely different, and consider changing my choice.  I'm excited to make that final selection and go for it....and then while it's en route to my house, I get lost in thought about the other decks on my list, and wonder if I should have picked something else!  It's really ridiculous and funny.  I love how different decks carry new takes on card meanings according to the thought behind its creation, or the style of art.  I love how illustrations can affect or influence interpretation and intuition.  So it's no wonder so many readers develop major deck collections over time!  I hope to keep it to something I can reasonably work with - I don't want any decks to gather dust.  But it's certainly a lot of fun exploring all the Tarot diversity!

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