
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 Bows, Fulfillment

Today's draw is the 3 of Bows from the Wildwood Tarot (Mark Ryan, John Matthews, Will Worthington; Sterling Ethos, 2011).  A figure stands on a winding path, holding a bow, and beckons.  Two unformed bows stand out of the ground forming a portal to the future.  This card is all about initial creative successes and planning for the long-term.  Things have gone well, but it's time to open the mind, look for new opportunities, and think ahead to the vision of the future.

I do feel that I'm experiencing this card's energies, and have been spending a lot of time lately considering the future, and where my path is taking me.  In many ways I'm charting new territory which is motivating and exciting as well as a bit daunting and challenging!  But I'm more than up for the challenge, and am looking forward to seeing where the road takes me :)

Wildwood Tarot

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