
Friday, September 22, 2017

The Wild Within

Yesterday morning I felt compelled to draw a card from the Animal Spirits Knowledge deck that features the beautiful art of Susan Seddon Boulet.

What wild energy is walking with me now? 

The deer was my first experience in animal communion when I was 12 years old. I would walk across the street into the Woods, where I would hunt for berries, build lean-tos, and look for animal tracks by the riverside. On the luckiest of days I would see a fox or other shy, wild creature. One day as I was sitting on a footpath at the top of a forested hill, and the wind moved the maple and oak limbs back and forth above, a group of deer walked slowly through the trees below. Not long after that I began to dream of deer. I remember one in which a deer stood on the back porch of my home, waiting for me. I went outside and touched it as it stood there in silence.

Reading the text on the backside of the card, I felt an immediate connection to the New Moon reading I'd done the day before:
Stone Tarot
What gifts are unfolding, and how to nurture them? Here amidst the purples and blues and greens are themes of exploring personal happiness and contentment, of embracing my nature, of journeying through my own wilderness.

Even some of the language is the same: journey, wilderness, nature.

Artemis was the first goddess that I felt connected to as a young teenager, exploring the Greek deities in ninth grade. Wild, strong, an archer, a forest walker, a companion and protector of inhabitants of the deep woods. I have thought of her lately, and the connection here underscores that energetic presence. The wild within, the untamed, the breathtaking potency of divine feminine power.


  1. What a wonderful synchronicity. I love it when a Goddess inspires us to be fully complete as a woman. We have so much power to tap into, if only we would know where to find it. Lately I've been loving to go for walks in nature where it is so much easier to connect with our magical wild side

    1. Absolutely <3 I wish there were more open wild spaces near us. There are some nice parks with some wild-ish areas, but you always know there are houses nearby. Still there is magic in the tall, old trees, even in the urban environment, and I am grateful for them!

  2. That image of the deer is lovely! And yes, I adored Artemis as my first Goddess, too :) And what a very earthy reading, of connecting with yourself and with nature...
