
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Tarot Thursday Three: Worst Deck Ever

Here is another round of questions for Tarot Thursday Three, hosted by Julia from Spiral Sea Tarot!

1. If you could have your likeness immortalized on any one of the 78 cards, which would it be and why?

Hmm...... I suppose I'd like to be the Hermit. I like to be alone, enjoy reading and studying and thinking and contemplating, and the number 9 is pretty awesome! Plus, so many Hermit cards feature men, which can be rather limiting!

2. When reading for yourself, are you able to remain unbiased and if so, what tips can you share for others?

Yes, I think that generally speaking I'm able to be unbiased in my own readings, and I'm sure that I do a much better job at that than I used to. One tip is to consider how you would read that same spread for someone else. Pretend the layout is for a dear friend. What would you tell her or him? How would you phrase things?
3. What is your least favourite deck in your collection and why?

I have the Pirate Tarot by Schiffer, and it's just awful. It's meant to look like images carved onto wood, and perhaps wouldn't be quite as bad if it didn't have grotesque and totally unnecessary borders that extend unevenly out behind the main image. The sole purpose of those borders is to allow for the word PIRATE to be typed along the left side of the cards. It almost looks like a prototype deck...except that it's not. It's really tacky. And since the border itself is uneven, if you were to trim the cards, the design on the backs would be off-center. So yeah.


  1. Wait what? That's the border!?? Like...Why!? Oh dear...Not pretty. Lol

  2. *shudder* at the Pirate Tarot's border.....oh brother, WHY.

    I like that you would be the Hermit because of the not-a-lot-of-female-hermits! I should have thought of a card like that... :P

    1. <3 I love your choice of Queen of Swords! I hadn't thought of the courts, which is kind of funny, actually!

  3. It is wonderful that you are able to be unbiased in readings on yourself. Thank you for the tips on how to accomplish that!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I think it's certainly challenging to be unbiased with ourselves 100% of the time, but it's always good to know ourselves enough to know when we might benefit from someone else's input :)

  4. What?! That border really made me laugh out loud xD
