
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tarot Thursday Three: New Decks

Tarot Thursday Three is a set of weekly prompts for "mystical" bloggers begun by Julia from Spiral Sea Tarot and I thought I would participate today for the first time!

Question 1

What do you do with a deck you don't connect with?

"Connecting" with a deck is a rather mysterious process. For the decks I don't keep reaching for, they tend to collect on a divination bookshelf that I have in the living room. All decks have interesting perspectives to offer via their arrangement, artwork, themes, etc. I have yet to acquire a deck that I don't like, but I do have a lot that don't inspire me to work with them very often. One such deck - the Raven's Prophecy - has become my glove compartment deck, in case of emergency. Sometimes, if I feel like I need a divinatory "breath of fresh air," I'll pull one out to read with. And it's worth mentioning that I don't always read with the decks I like a lot. For instance, the Dark Goddess Tarot is spectacular, but I only pull it out from time to time.
The Raven's Prophecy Tarot lives in my glove compartment
Question 2

How long do you give yourself to connect with a new deck?

I don't time the process. If I find myself called to use a deck over and over, then I know there is something special there. That said, usually I know how it's going to go if after a week or two the deck is gathering dust. To date there is only one deck that I've used with great consistency over a relatively long period of time, and that is the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot, by Uusi. (I reviewed the deck in this post). That doesn't mean it's the only deck that I connect with, but I would say that perhaps it's my "the one." ;)

Question 3

What consecration ritual(s) do you use with new divination tools?

Nuttin'. I think fondly back to my early divination days when I would smudge every single card of a new deck in sage smoke, and "charge them with my intentions." Perhaps I'm old and crotchety now, but saging them (or not) doesn't impact my readings for better or for worse, doesn't help me focus more deeply, and doesn't open my intuition to more profound messages. So I don't bother!


  1. Your last response is super relatable. Even though I sometimes do perform ritual, the outcome doesn't really vary in terms of whether the deck reads or not. Thank you for playing along!

  2. I feel that same way about the Dark Goddess Tarot. I tend to pass on decks that I don't use too often, but that one I could never part with. And I feel you on #3!

    1. I think with any themed deck, I tend to use it only when I'm needing that particular energy. Most of the time I just want a more traditional-style deck for everyday readings. But decks like the Dark Goddess, the New Orleans Voodoo, etc, have a very special place in my collection!

  3. Love your take on those three questions and how you've matured from smudge cards to just reading them and having fun with them
    I too have decks I don't "connect" with but sometimes even after years we hit it off like never before and that is why I always keep my decks because you never know.. :)

    1. That is so true! Sometimes decks just fit a particular moment in our lives, which makes is a little hard to part with even the ones I don't love!

  4. I'm profligate with my decks. Sometimes I go in runs with a particular deck but mostly I choose as my mood dictates. No ritual for them. Out of the box or bag, a quick shuffle and re-ordering and we're off.

    1. Exactly - what feels like the right deck for that moment is the one to use. I have seen that some readers like to use one deck for a month or a year, to really "go in deep," but that's not my style, I guess. And yes! I am right there with you on the lack of ritual ;)
