
Friday, October 21, 2016

The Beauty of the Draw

I love it when daily draws are immediately relevant.

This morning I pulled the 3 of Pentacles, a card of creativity, teamwork, and applied skill.
Pagan Otherworlds Tarot
The first thing that came to mind was the fact that I will be facilitating a team meeting this afternoon at which a couple of faculty will be discussing “best practices” and technology use in education.

Then I checked my email.

I’ve been working for months on a major program overhaul. I’ve gone through several iterations, I’ve networked with the necessary departments that will be involved in implementing it, and I’ve pored over how to make this a stronger, more relevant program version. This morning I received a message that the modifications were approved! It’s been a long process, and to receive this full acceptance is extremely rewarding.

It couldn’t have come at a more perfect time, as now I’ll be able to share this exciting news at this afternoon’s gathering. The 3 of Pentacles is feeling pretty damn good today!


  1. Congratulations with your succes achieved. I can imagine how exhilarated you must feel now
    Enjoy your Three of Pentacles day!!!

  2. That's fabulous, Olivia! Congratulations on a job well done, and I hope it was appropriately feted :)

    1. Thanks!! I did order a celebratory lunch for the whole crew ;)
