
Friday, August 12, 2016

Page of Cups: A Moment of Peace

I have been pretty overwhelmed at work of late: the pace has been particularly hectic and I've had a far higher-than-usual number of flames to quench. I'd say I'm a mediator by nature, but even mediators (perhaps especially mediators) need to let off steam from time to time. There were at least two or three occasions in the past couple of months where I used the drive in to work to envision myself thoroughly cursing out the offending party, and putting her or him in their respective places being very honest and forthright about my thoughts and opinions, simply so that once I arrived (at whatever meeting it was that I needed to facilitate) I could breathe and moderate professionally. Yes, I need a vacation. It's not vacation time, however, so I have been craving my weekends like cold water in the high desert.

This evening I pulled a card from my newly acquired Tarot of the Cat People (I'm admittedly not a cat person, but the art is quite interesting) asking: "Where do I need to focus on self-care?" I pulled the Page of Cups:
I could almost feel my soul sigh upon taking in this card image. A young lady sits on what appears to be a sandy hill, under a hazy, sunny sky. She is flanked by a cat companion, quiet and comforting, and a chalice. This card evokes a sense of the 4 of Swords - a time for separation, recuperation, and healing. Indeed the Page of Cups does include healing qualities. Like a flame burning itself out from far too much intensity, I need to be cooled and calmed. Those flames I've been putting out have taken a toll, and a quiet space away from that charged environment will help me to rebuild my emotional wellspring so that I can keep on tending to the responsibilities that fall on me as a leader. I don't begrudge my position by any means; this comes with the territory and ultimately the energies will shift like ocean tides. As they say, "This too shall pass." In the meantime, I need a little me-time, and maybe a cup of mulled mead in that goblet ;-)


  1. I was in a similar situation 10 years ago. During that time I had a 2 week period where I worked with no days off. I managed to keep from yelling at the people I was supervising, but I did have one incident with a supervisor from another department. What I found that helped then, which I still do, was making time to do one thing for thing that I love doing that had nothing to do with, and wasn't being demanded by the job. Yes, it will pass, and it'll come back around again. So you're right, you need a little me-time, more often than you think. Hang in there, my friend.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience and for the kind words and encouragement! I hope you have a lovely weekend :-)

  2. Maybe you need more than a little me time. We often are very reluctant to give ourselves the care we would give others. Imagine one of your co workers would tell you all this what would you do? I would be inclined to give her a week off (sick leave) before it would get worse (burn out!) especially when she also had children to take care of.
    Take care of yourself my dear! You are so worth it :)

    1. It's very true. I have a hard time not feeling a bit guilty when I even consider carving out some "me time." I don't like that, but I'm trying to be mindful of it. I had a really nice weekend, and I even managed not to think about work much! That was no small accomplishment!! :) Thanks for the kind words, Ellen! <3
