
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

10 of Swords: To Be Willing

The 10 of Swords in the Wild Unknown Tarot shows a bull pierced with blades. Despite the gruesome appearance, none plunge deeply enough to kill this massive creature; at most they cause distracting pain. But one sword has gouged out this bull's eyes, preventing him from seeing his surroundings, and robbing from him the gift of perspective.
K. Krans - Wild Unknown Tarot
When in the trenches of life's most potent challenges it can be hard to understand the bigger picture. When your external sight feels useless, perhaps it is a gift wrapped in difficult packaging, urging you to look inward instead, to find the grace in the pain, and the light that is always available in the darkness. "This too shall pass..." but not before offering an opportunity for deep growth. To be willing to receive it is enough.


  1. "preventing him from seeing his surroundings, and robbing from him the gift of perspective" Great observation and interpretation!
