
Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Golden Glow of Quiet

Life has been so busy lately that at times I find myself longing for a moment of quiet peace, a short measure of silence with my bóveda, a breath of communion. This morning was no different. I woke up, and after finally gathering the energy to move my body out of bed, my first feeling was one of, "I need space." I need space to sit and, rather than think, to let my mind be still.

As the coffee was brewing, I shuffled my Raven's Prophecy deck and pulled: Hermit.
I looked at it for a moment and just thought: Yes! Yes, to the Hermit in general.... but this depiction is so welcoming and precise in its reflection of what I hunger for: the golden glow of quiet. A lantern burns within the heart of an ancient tree, providing a secluded place, a protective and natural embrace.

This image reminds me of a book I cherished as a child, My Side of the Mountain, about a young boy who escapes into the hills and lives off the land on his own. He has a hawk companion, he learns to tan his own hides using the natural tannins in fallen oak trees, and he lives inside of a massive, hollowed-out tree. This is the kind of experience I always wanted to have as a kid, and I would lose myself in that story.

Now I am blessed with some new and wonderful opportunities in my life that also bring a higher level of "involvement" and attention and "noise." I don't have the choice to ignore it - it is my job to face it all head-on. And so it becomes even more important to intentionally carve out a space in my own proverbial sacred tree to steal away to from time to time, to recharge, release, and recenter.


  1. I love this depiction of the Hermit so much. The book you've mentioned reminds me of part two of Jean Auel's Earth's Children "The valley of the horses" where Ayla finds a cave were she finds shelter and learns to take care of herself during her exile. I love all the her books but obviously this one is my favorite :)
    Maybe you could try to actually schedule appointments with yourself in your planner....and consider them as important as any other appointment
    Take care of yourself Hugs

    1. You know, that is a great idea! :) I need to make myself make space - remind myself. If I don't, it can be too easy to let it slide through the fingers..... I will take a look at the book series you mentioned! <3
