
Saturday, November 14, 2015

I Know This Much Is True

Yes, you may have to face conflict, and I know that you don't prefer that.

But you have a panther inside of you.
Try not to suppress its essence; rather,
let it breathe with your breath.

Don't walk away.
Yes, you will have to wander through the deep unknown,
and uncover parts of yourself that you didn't realize were there.

You'll feel afraid from time to time, but don't give up.
This is death
and it is birth.
You are becoming you.

Your fire will lead you onward.

This is not a mask you must learn to wear;
it is a power you were always meant to wield.


  1. OH, my dear Olivia this is absolutely beautifully written. I touches me deeply. Thank you for sharing your words with us!

    1. Thank you so much, Ellen. I pulled some cards yesterday and the words just started to pour out! <3
