
Saturday, October 10, 2015

5 of Wands: Integrating Ferocity

The day 10 task for the Shadow Work October challenge asks: What do you need to release?

I pulled: 5 of Scepters (Wands) reversed:
Tarot of Vampyres
This was interesting, as this was one of the cards I drew for the day nine task about misperceptions we have about ourselves; for me this related to a fear of conflict, that it would be the end of me, that I can't handle it. So to pull this as something in need of release is fitting, really. I need to continue working on releasing my desire/tendency to avoid conflict. 

This card shows a woman facing down a black panther. The black panther has been significant in my life over the past six months or so. In this image I see the need for the woman to release her fear of her own ferocity, to put the cross down and allow the panther to meld with her spirit. The panther is not going to hurt her; that in itself is her misconception. The panther is a part of her, calling for integration. 


  1. Merging with you inner feline Now that is what I call shadow work. I have also a fiery powerful feeling moving through me which wants to come out and play :)
    Maybe shadow work is first about releasing our own inner strength and then we can face our fears together as one being
    Great post!!

    1. Thanks, Ellen! Merging with my inner feline - that is totally it :) In fact, the Strength card in this deck shows a powerful woman walking along with her panther companion rather than fighting against him/her. So I really like that. Nice thoughts!!

    2. I was so happy to get this Strength Card as my "Wild" child card this morning. I had to think about your post right away!

  2. What a beautiful reading, Olivia. In Jungian work cats are often related to our feminine sensual side so when I look at this card within the context of the question, as well as your wonderful interpretation I also see the woman as putting down her cross to embrace that more instinctive sensual side where so much of our vitality lives. I am *loving* the panther energy in this deck.

    1. Thanks, Rose! I'm right there with you about the panther energy in this deck: it's strongly woven throughout, and that is lovely :-)
