
Monday, September 7, 2015

Maferefun Yemaya!

Today is the feast day of Yemaya, our loving mother of ocean waters. This is a special day in and of itself, though it takes on even more meaning because Yemaya is the guardian orisha of both my younger daughter and my sister-in-law (both of whom share the same name: Lourdes).
Artist: Maria Giulia Alemanno 
In honor of Yemaya I pulled three cards from the Celtic Lenormand, asking to highlight the special qualities that she offers to us:
Book - Heart - Storks
Celtic Lenormand/McCracken and Worthington
Lenormand is read in combination, one card influencing the other to create an overarching message. When I saw this line of cards I found myself appreciating their individual meanings, each a gift of its own. Book represents knowledge and wisdom. Heart is love and affection. Storks is evolution and development. I love that the anchor card is the Heart, and that the ocean stretches out beyond, affirming Yemaya's oceanic energy. And Storks are associated with pregnancy which highlights Yemaya's strong connection to children and motherhood.

As a line I might read this: "Loving wisdom that helps us to evolve and grow."

My daughter decided to honor Yemaya today by creating a special picture:
Houses by the sea, by Lourdes
Lourdes started 3rd grade a few weeks ago, and was a bit nervous about a new year (she loves school, but she's shy about new starts). When we went to Meet-the-Teacher night we were welcomed into a classroom decorated with blues and whites, and symbols of anchors and sea life - everything ocean-related! I said, "Yemaya's got your back. See your new room? She's telling you that she's going to be with you at school all year long." It was very beautiful encouragement (both for her and for me!).

So thank you, Yemaya, for your love, your nurturing support, and your motherly guidance.

Maferefun Yemaya, todos los días!


  1. Love your reading of that Lenormand line - just perfect! And how great that the classroom allowed you to sow the seeds of feeling comfortable for Lourdes :) It's so important, given how much time kids spend in school, and many classes just don't make the effort to be interesting or homey...

    1. Thanks, Chloe! You're so right about the time this teacher has spent creating a warm and inviting place for the kids to spend their days. I really loved that for her, especially because she's quite a sensitive one, and environment is so critical!

  2. I agree with Chloe; decorating a classroom and making it a special place to live and learn is so important. Children do have to feel this classroom is their home too. It is so great that Lourdes' teachers understands this.
    I hope you've had a good feast day in honor of this special Orisha

    1. Thank you, Ellen! It's been a very nice day after all! :) Last year Lourdes was in a new room with a brand new teacher (straight out of college) and the room really looked like a closet. The teacher ended up leaving half way through the year, and the kids were split up among the remaining teachers. I hate when that kind of thing happens to the kids because you're so right - kids really need to feel that their school is in some way an extension of home, with security and some measure of comfort. :)

  3. A beautiful post, Olivia. And I love your daughter's name. My French-speaking self got a little thrill being able to exercise its linguistic muscle. We do a lovely Sufi dance that honors Yemaya. It's full of joy and the kind of strength to be found in flowing with the moment.

    1. That's fantastic, Rose! I love Sufi dance, and I'd love to see what you do :) Thanks for the kind words!
