
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hanging In There

I have been totally exhausted lately; over the past week or two I've been so entrenched in work that I've had very little time to even think about much else. This weekend I've finally earned a solid three days off and I'm taking full advantage of them! Today, for the first time in years, I rode my bike.
By Karl Ramentol
As my husband and I were soaring down the road, inhaling the city-style outdoor aromas of road-side barbecue, Chinese take-out, grass clippings, and Eau de Exhaust Fumes, I just couldn't help but smile. What have I been missing!

Tomorrow I may well wake up with a sore rear end, but it was so worth it. And hey, maybe I'll even do it again ;-)


  1. I am certain this will not have been the last time. Riding a bike is such a wonderful way to be out and about. I hope you will feel better soon! Take good care of yourself

    1. Thanks, Ellen! I really enjoyed my time out on the bike. I am making it a part of my weekly activity :)

  2. Gosh, I can't remember the last time I rode my bike. Good for you! Love your description of taking in the city aromas.

    1. Thanks :) It's silly not to have ridden it for so long. As I was out riding around I couldn't believe I had deprived myself of it for so many years!
