
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Even Queens Pass Gas

A good sense of humor is critical in life, and that includes when working with the cards. Two nights ago my older daughter came to me and casually asked if I'd pull a card for her. I agreed, as usual, and asked what she wanted to focus on. She said (with a very straight face):

"What would it be like if I ever accidentally farted in class? How would I deal with that??" 

I had to laugh. I asked her if this had ever happened to her before, and she quickly denied it, but it was very apparent that it was a real concern of hers, so I told her I'd pull a card about it, and we'd see what Tarot had to say. I laughed for a second time when I pulled:

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot

Before saying anything, I showed the card to her, and she started to chuckle, too. I said, "Well, this Queen certainly seems to be having some indigestion - just look at the cloud she's sitting in! She definitely knows what it's like to fart in class. But look at her face! Do you think she cares? No way - she's all 'Yeah, I farted, so what? You guys are SO immature...'"

My daughter laughed and said, "Yeah, it's perfect! So now I know what to do. If it ever happens to me I'll just be cool and act like it really doesn't matter at all!"

I think that the Tarot has a sense of humor, too. 


  1. As a child I always thought is to be funny that even our queen had to fart. And my mother told me to fart like royalty when I was to "loud"

    1. Ellen, I absolutely love your story! "Fart like royalty" - haha!!! So perfect for this card :)

  2. Oh my, a definite sense of humour :) I love that the cards helped her negotiate something so far from ethereal, yet very real! Could have done with that kind of advice as a kid myself :D

    1. Haha, yes, I love this entirely practical application to a very human experience ;-)

  3. I'll never see those clouds the same way again, lol.

    1. Hahah! Honestly, I don't think I will either ;)

  4. I was shopping with a woman in her 80's who obviously passed gas. She put her hand to her face in a shy way and said "oh dear, someone is speaking behind my back again". :)
    Great blog, thanks for sharing Olivia, Sharyn
