
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Taroscopes for October 2014

It's the first day of one of my favorite months of the year, and in thirty more days this mysterious and sacred time culminates with Halloween, Samhain. Though I live in Florida now I see and sense the changes in the season. Down here, far in the south, there are three discernible seasons: Summer, Spring, and Autumn. To someone unfamiliar with the subtleties of this environment it may seem that summer reigns for most of the year, but to those of us who live here year round, there is most definitely a quietly buzzing gleam of change in the air once September hits. You know, like when the ten-day forecast includes more days in the 80s than the 90s. When the evening low dares dip below 70. I rub my hands together, grinning with delight, and start brewing the mulled cider.

So in honor of this special time of year, I have decided to use my (rather new) Halloween Oracle, by Stacey Demarco, for this month's….(oracle)scopes!

Halloween Oracle - S. Demarco

Capricorn - Death: Significant aspects of your life are shifting and changing, which can be pretty uncomfortable. Know that the transformations unfolding now will ultimately leave you stronger, and even happier, when all is said and done.

Aquarius - Nightsong: You have a pot of gold hidden away inside you. You may have been reluctant to share your gifts and talents with others out of insecurity, fears, anxieties, or even self-doubt, but now is the time to let yourself be seen.

Pisces - Invisibility: This month consider how your inner and outer lives match up. Are you allowing people to know the real you, or do you have a tendency to compartmentalize? What steps can you take toward living and embodying your truth?

Aries - Ancestors: Regardless of your cultural or ethnic background, no matter how far back your knowledge of your forebears goes, you have a rich ancestral heritage living within you, ready to be tapped into. Allow those who have come before to nourish you. Remember that your spiritual ancestors are just as important as the biological - honor them, and let them guide you.

Taurus - Skull of Darkness: This card encourages you to make October a month for exploring the parts of yourself that you tend to neglect. Shining a light into the corners of your heart and mind can be difficult, but therein may lie the key to important healing.

Gemini - Jack-O-Lantern: This month consider your personal boundaries. Do you shut people out? Do you let people enter your life and take what they will? You have within you the strength to lead the life that you desire; a critical step toward manifesting it lies in being strong enough to know when to say yes, and when to say no.

Cancer - Dawn: The greatest tool in your possession is your ability to trust in the coming of the morning after a long night has passed. Hope will enlighten your heart - embrace it and let it be your focal point. Know that a positive phase of life is being born.

Leo - Hearth: Make loved ones a priority this month. Connect and reconnect, make room and make time, be willing to fix what isn't working as smoothly as it should.

Virgo - Owl: Night vision would be handy this month, but since you probably aren't an owl, be open to seeking as much objective guidance as you can. Don't make big decisions lightly.

Libra - Apple: They say that oftentimes the greatest rewards come through the greatest risks. But risks can be scary! Being cautious can be smart, unless you consistently shy away from things when the seas become a bit choppy. You might be missing out on the good stuff! Try to find a happy medium.

Scorpio - Underworld: When you begin to live a life that reflects your genuine self, it's natural to undergo a process of transition. If that realignment frightens you, know that it's only temporary, and the long-term benefits will likely be fulfilling.

Sagittarius - Vampire: Show love and help others insofar as there is a healthy exchange and mutual benefit. If the scale is getting off-balance learn to reinforce your boundaries; protect your emotional well-being.

The theme card for the month of October is JOY. This card asks each and every one of us to consider the following questions:

How can I bring more joy into my life?
What joyful aspects of my life am I overlooking, or under-appreciating?
In what ways can I share joy with others?
How do I open myself to receive joy into my life?
What can I do to bring joy to those around me?

Halloween Oracle - S. Demarco

Hey, I think that would make a pretty nice spread! What a lovely way to wrap things up ;-)

Happy October!


  1. Nice Oracle-scopes, Olivia! And I love the card for the month ;) My pull for next week (yes, I've scheduled it already), also talks about how to seek joy, which for me is about peace and learning :)

    1. Thanks, Chloe! I love the synchronicity with your upcoming draw. This will be a pretty intense month for me, so I'm glad for the "joy" focal point to remind myself how to adjust my perspective should I start to feel overwhelmed :-)
