
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Taroscopes for September 2014

For the month of September I decided to use the Deviant Moon deck, which I haven't used in quite awhile despite owning both the bordered copy and the borderless version (signed by Patrick Valenza, no less!!). Maybe I'm trying to get into the autumnal frame of mind, or maybe I just felt like shuffling this lusciously smooth set of cards. I'm not sure, but here we go!

Capricorn - 6 of Wands: You know how when cats are "in a mood" they flatten their ears and look entirely unamused by life? That might be you this month in many regards, but especially when it comes to work. Just do you, act with wisdom, and know it's only temporary!

Aquarius - Queen of Swords: If you're tempted to shoot from the hip, don't. You are savvy and astute - hey - you're the Queen of Swords (air sign!)! Use your gift of discernment this month even if it hurts. And don't forget to LAUGH!

Pisces - Strength: You got this. Whatever hurdles you may have on your plate this month, know that you have the fortitude to overcome them all. Use your inner compass, and tap into your inner light.

Aries - 7 of Wands: If you find yourself in the position to defend your perspective or stance on an issue, the forces are with you. You're fire incarnate - show 'em what you got!

Taurus - 4 of Swords: Rest, breathe, take care of yourself this month. Make room in your life for healing space, it'll do a body good!

Gemini - 6 of Pentacles: Give and take, give and take, this is your mantra this month. Balance is the key, particularly when it comes to doling out energy and that hard-earned paper. If the car ahead of you in the drive-thru lane buys your coffee, don't forget to pay it forward!

Cancer - Page of Cups: Love and be loved, heal and be healed. You've had a long summer, and hopefully last month you managed some rest and recuperation. Now it's time to welcome the possibility for new and positive changes. Be alert for happy news this month!

Leo - 2 of Wands: Sometimes you just have to stop thinking: take a risk, jump in and give it everything you have. You're a fire sign, and this is a fire card - what a great match for rallying forth toward a new vision of what you want to manifest in your life.

Virgo - King of Swords: Don't try to do it yourself this month - you may actually benefit from outside advice and guidance. When in doubt, get a second opinion. If this is a man in your life, he's probably not going to be easily convinced, so stick to your guns and be sure you know all the facts.

Libra - 9 of Wands: It may feel a bit like you-against-the-world in September, but it won't last forever, so keep that in mind. In fact just when you think it's time to throw in the towel, things will likely start to improve for you. Stay focused and take care of your energy!

Scorpio - Page of Pentacles: Congratulations to you, if you've just begun a new job or program of study - stick with it and you'll be successful! You may receive some pleasing financial news this month, so keep all ears open.

Sagittarius - 5 of Cups: Regret sucks. It's a process, and it's one you'll make it through in one piece, just be sure to allow your feelings to flow outward and onward. Remember that it will get better.

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