
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

6 of Wands: A Pat on the Back

I pulled a daily card today to ask what I might expect for my day ahead, and I pulled the 6 of Wands. This was a highly encouraging card to receive on a day when I was slated to have my annual review! I didn't have any real concerns that anything unpleasant might occur, nonetheless it was fitting and very welcome.

Golden Tarot - Kat Black

The 6 of Wands is a very fortunate card when it comes to career recognition, and in the context of an annual review would bode well for a positive outcome and even a salary increase. You can think of this card as a Tarot pat-on-the-back for handling your business in all the right ways.

So I went on with my scheduled meeting, and it was great. My program chair was very happy with me, and called me a "super star" - so it doesn't get much more 6 of Wandsy than that!  Given the double load I'm managing this week, in combination with the fact that I still haven't entirely recuperated from my Blood Moon gazing, I'm grateful for this metaphorical sunshine!


  1. I am happy for you on both accounts:The superb review and the Blood moon gazing.
    How wonderful you are so praised for all the hard work you do.
    Yay for the six of wands, which is gorgeous by the way

    1. Thanks, Ellen :) I am not feeling well today, too much going on this week, so at least I can focus on this positive thing that happened amidst the chaos. I really loved watching the moon - it was pretty amazing, and beautiful. But it was so hard to go back to sleep after that! I've been working with the Golden Tarot again recently - it really does have some lovely imagery - I think it's one of my favorites for doing regular readings!
