
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Wheel of Fortune (Upright) Ain't Always Good Luck

So often I see people treat the Wheel of Fortune as a "good luck" card, when upright. This is opposed to the reversal, which tends to indicate that things are out of control, or flowing forward in a negative manner.

The thing is that "negative" is subjective. While I do feel that reversed the Wheel suggests the possibility for harmful, or truly challenging, elements to crop up in a particular situation, I tend to see the Wheel of Fortune as a rather neutral card when upright - not necessarily always indicative of great things to come. Not to say that a great upswing is not "in the cards" - it may be. But just maybe you'll be disappointed by the outcome of the upright Wheel, and that doesn't mean that the resulting circumstance is negative.

Halloween Tarot/US Games
Karin Lee, Kipling Scott

The Wheel is about ups and downs, and more than that, it's about the unpredictability of life. Perhaps you don't get what you want after all. But is that a bad thing? Maybe not! Perhaps life takes you off in some other direction you never imagined, and at first it feels foreign and confusing, but in the end it brings you to a fruitful place for your development. Perhaps the fellow you're dating suddenly disappears off the face of the earth. Maybe that's not the direction you were hoping for, but it was "right" for him, and as a result is better for you (who wants to be in a relationship with someone who's not equally invested?). Perhaps the Wheel simply means that things will be hard to pin down, and that you should expect the unexpected.

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  1. Usually I read this card the same way. For me the meaning also depends on the surrounding cards. There can be lot of difference if the "nearby future" is The Star of The Tower (I know: extreme example :))
    It is also a sign for me to live in the moment and stay centered because you can't possible know what will happen next.

    1. Hey Ellen! Great point, about the surrounding cards! I like that point about staying centered - the best way to deal with the unknown is by finding steady footing :)

  2. I am totally with you on this one. For some reason, I see the WOF as a multi-personality issue in a person....bipolar, tripolar,

    1. Haha! I love that take on it! And I think it's really accurate!

  3. Hi Olivia! I like very much your reading and the idea of seeing the possitive side of the card. And I agree with you, nobody knows, probably there is a better thing waiting for us round the corner... :) Muchas Estrellas!!!!!!!!
