
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Taroscopes for the Week of December 8-14 2013

We're getting closer and closer to the big holidays! Last night we got our tree and this morning we put on the lights and decorations. Our house is looking quite festive now, I have to say! Most of all I'm enjoying the pine aroma wafting through the air! So this week we have all the elements represented, along with two Majors and two Courts. I used the Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West....just because I love it! Let's see how it's panned out!

Capricorn - 3 of Ghosts (Cups): Get out of the house this week and enjoy the company of others, whether it's tea or beer with friends, a holiday party, or even simply a shared lunch at work.  It's a good way to let off steam, and the friendly vibes this week will contribute to a good time!

Aquarius - 3 of Bats (Swords): Again!? You must have a lot going on lately, Aquarius! Don't let any disappointments get the best of you this week. "Mind over matter" will help you deal with things, even if it's not the most enjoyable process.

Pisces - Wheel of Fortune: Expect the unexpected this week! Things will probably flow smoothly for you, and whatever projects or plans you've been throwing together should go off without a hitch.

Aries - Emperor reversed: Structure is good, but sometimes too much of it can take the fun out of things. You may be feeling a bit constricted this week, but don't forget to enjoy yourself and try to keep things in perspective. Imperfections and disarray can provide excellent learning opportunities.

Taurus - Ace of Imps (Wands) reversed: Your best opportunities this week will come from you rather than your environment.  If you're feeling frustrated because your creative flow just isn't flowing, then try a new approach and perhaps a new project that might reignite your spark.

Gemini - 8 of Pumpkins (Pentacles): Your axe will be all over that proverbial grindstone this week. It may be a busy work week that requires a lot of your attention, and you may also be developing your crafty skills making fun, hand-made treats to give as Christmas gifts.

Cancer - King of Pumpkins (Pentacles): Enjoy your environment this week, and allow yourself to bask in the comforts of home and hearth. You'll be the master of your world, and will find a way to resolve any issues that may arise, and still have plenty of time left over to enjoy a soul-satisfying meal by the fireplace.

Leo - 7 of Ghosts (Cups): You have many exciting opportunities this week, where do you even begin?? Well, make a list, prioritize it, and get to work! You definitely want to harness the energy surrounding you - so much potential!

Virgo - 8 of Ghosts (Cups): If you're feeling "meh" this week, spice things up a bit. Get Chinese take-out instead of pizza. Break your routine, whether at home, at work, or hey - in both places! The change may be just what you need to refresh and inspire you.

Libra - 10 of Bats (Swords) reversed: Last week your 4 of Swords encouraged you to find time for more rest, and this week you just may manage to find a way to rest that pretty little head of yours and refresh and renew your mindset. Just take a deep breath and let things flow - transitions are good for the soul!

Scorpio - Knight of Bats (Swords): This will be a fast paced week! Don't forget to be mindful of your ultimate goal, and avoid making any unnecessary sacrifices on your way to gittin' 'er done. Focus your intentions and enjoy the ride! 

Sagittarius - 6 of Bats (Swords): If it wasn't working the way you wanted it to, let it go and move on! There are new opportunities in the challenges you face this week, and all it takes to capitalize on them is a perpective shift.

Whew! You might have noticed that these are a bit shorter than before...I enjoy doing them so I want to continue each week, but I also wanted to find a way to make it more practical (less time-consuming)!  Have an amazing and empowering week, everyone!

P.S. If you want to put your name in the hat for a free reading, it's not too late! Drawing will be held next Sunday, December 15th. For more info, click here!

Taroscope Spread with Halloween Tarot


  1. Taurus: when my creative juices stop flowing I think it will be time for recharging the batteries and do something practical in the meantime. (baking! yummy)
    Great your tree is up and sparkling. I envy your pine aroma.. :)

    1. I'm right there with you with those practical activities! I think I also just might do some baking this week… maybe Christmas cookies with the kids :)
