
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Free Reading Alert!

Dear readers!

It's December and I'm giving away one free Tarot reading! It can be used for yourself or given as a gift, if you like. To put your name in the proverbial hat, please go to my First Earth Tarot Facebook page and "like" it. Then "like" and share the reading give-away post.

On December 15th I'll randomly draw a name and announce the winner via the Facebook page.

I'm not a marketer by nature, so this is attempt at putting my self out into the world, and a way to say thank you for the support you've all given me thus far! :)

Morgan Greer Tarot/US Games


  1. Well I think I did it right, I am not a Facebook person. but for this I will make an exception
    good luck with getting out there :)

  2. <3 Thanks, Ellen! I find "networking" a great personal challenge, but I'm trying! :-)
