
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

30-Day Tarot Challenge - Question 29

(29) Do you have a Tarot mentor?

I wanted to skip forward to this question because my mom has been on my mind today, and she was my first mentor.  I was looking at a website that talked about difficulties in coming out of the “Tarot closet” – friends and colleagues may look at you differently, think it’s crazy (or evil, or really cool), or feel like they never really knew you at all; your parents might fear for your future.  Anyway I felt really fortunate when I read that because my mom is a reader!  She is the person who introduced me to Tarot and Oracles simply by using them as I was growing up.  I always loved them, and in fact it was her Medicine Cards that I adopted when I was 13, the start of my path in divination.  So I feel very lucky that in one way, one of the most important ways, I never have to “come out of the closet.”  

Wildwood Tarot

In terms of other mentors, I have a wonderful, local mentor named Suzan who is a psychic-medium, and a pretty amazing lady.  I supposed I’d also have to say that Brigit from Biddy Tarot has been a great mentor.  I also value the Reader’s Circle I’m a part of, where we can go for feedback, support, questions, and opinions.  

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